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Save upto 30% on your SaaS spends with Valor

We guarantee savings on your SaaS stack Or return your money back

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Save the fuel for your rocketship

SaaS spends are the major expense house for any business and Valor helps you reduce your SaaS spending with your existing and upcoming SaaS vendors and let you add more fuel for your growth.


Reduce Spends on SaaS

We don’t just slash expenses blindly. We customize your SaaS spends, ensuring you only pay for what you truly need. It's like having a personal financial advisor for your SaaS portfolio.


Control and Optimize Licenses

Get personalized recommendations on how to optimize your license usage. Whether it's downsizing, upgrading, or reassigning licenses, we've got you covered.


Manage SaaS Renewals

Unlock savings by optimizing your SaaS renewal strategy. We provide insights and recommendations to ensure you're getting the most value for your upcoming renewals.

How it works?

The process of enable savings on your SaaS stack through Valor is seamless and transparent



Register on Valor with your email and our onboarding team will be in touch to understand your business and SaaS Stack.



Engage with our team and let us dissect your SaaS stack and reveal the potential savings we can do for you.



Your team requests and approves new or existing softwares and we get you the best deals and terms on it.



Save time and money on your SaaS spend management through Valor’s platform which automates SaaS buying workflows.

Save time, money, and effort with Valor

One-stop platform to Save and Manage your SaaS Spends


Stop paying the cost of being new to market

Protect your hard-earned equity and extend your runway by reducing your SaaS expenses through Valor.


Stop Investing Time and Resources

Expanding your team to handle SaaS vendors? Valor manages it all, giving you back time and valuable resources.


Stop using fragmented SaaS buying workflows

Valor manages and streamlines all the key workflows related to SaaS buying and spend management for you.

We hear it from Industry

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SaaS companies have traditionally relied on higher usage to boost overall contract value, but in the last 12 months, we have seen price hikes become one of the main levers used by vendors

Joel Windels,VP Marketing - Vertice
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SaaS spends account for the top 3 - 5 costs to a company. As a result, Chief Finance Officers have a growing responsibility to get the most value from their SaaS purchases without affecting the company’s budget

Chris Ortega,CEO - Fresh FP&A
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Ula has over 700 employees working across the countries, and our SaaS costs have been increasing YoY

Edwin Therosjadi, Business Strategy - Ula


What is SaaS spending optimization, and why does my company need it?


SaaS spending optimization is a strategic approach to efficiently managing your software-as-a-service expenses. It helps your company uncover cost-saving opportunities, eliminate waste, and ensure your software investments align with your business goals. By reducing unnecessary spending, you can allocate resources where they matter most, enhancing your company's financial health.

How does Valor help us reduce our SaaS costs?


Can Valor help us renegotiate existing SaaS contracts for better terms?


Is Valor suitable for small businesses, or is it primarily for larger enterprises?


How quickly can we expect to see cost savings after implementing Valor?


What are the typical cost-saving percentages can be achieved through Valor?


How do we get started with Valor?


Does Valor provides ongoing support and monitoring ?


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